Best day for arbing
What is the best day for arbing?
Not everyone is a professional sports ar bitrage bettor. Some of us can't spend all day for arbing like they do and that's why we are asking ourselves the question: what could be the best day for arbing? Our time is limited and we want to take the best we can from our subscription because we will have only a few days or even hours available to place sure bets. In this article, you will find some tips and advice when it is good for placing sure bets and when it is better to take a rest instead of wasting time in front of the computer.

Best day for arbing:
Saturdays - This is the best day for arbing. Our analytics shows that more than 80% of our regular users are active every Saturday compared with other days where the percent is lower. This is the most important day for arbitrage bettors because almost 50% of all betting events takes place on Saturday. If you are very busy and have only one free day a week to place sure bets, then this is the best time to spend it for your sports arbitrage business.
Sundays - This is the second best day for arbing. According to our analytics more than 60% of our regular users are active every Sunday. It is the second important day for placing sure bets because almost 30% of all betting events takes place on Sunday.
Good days for winning:
Tuesdays - Fridays - These days you can take it easy or warm up and get ready for the incoming Sat-Sun, but you will still make good money for sure. There still will be hundreds of surebets each day, but it is less than thousands a day compared with the best arbing days. Almost 20% of the arbitrages appear these days. If you distribute it to each day is 5% each day. It is suitable for people who want to make some pocket money (100-200 euro per month) with few hours arbing after work and who wants to have his Saturdays and Sundays free.
Arbitrage bettors holidays:
Monday - This is the worst day for arbing. The reason for this is that after the hard Sat-Sun it is time for some rest - for us and for sports players. This is the perfect day to switch off your computer, grab a beer and relax after the first and most unpleasure day of the week - no one likes Mondays, right?
If we have to summarize if you are a professional arbitrage player there are no bad days for arbing, maybe except Monday, but you should definitely take advantage of Saturdays and Sundays. If you are not a professional arbitrage player you can make some pocket money with no worries, spending few hours after work from Tuesday to Friday, or get the same results spending all Saturday or Sunday arbing. Anyway, thanks to OddStorm you could turn each day to best day for arbing!
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